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The Vader Project
100 helmets traveled through 8 exhibitions, 3 countries and 1 ground breaking auction to live on in a beautiful full-color catalog.
The Vader Project is a reimagining of the iconic Darth Vader helmet curated by Dov Kelemer and Sarah Jo Marks of DKE Toys (dketoys.com). Kelemer and Marks gathered close to 100 of the hottest underground and pop surrealist painters, artists, and designers to participate. For this unique project each artist was given a 1:1 scale authentic prop replica of the actual Darth Vader helmet used in the STAR WARS™ films. The helmets served as a blank canvas for each artist to paint, design, mash up, and customize.
Artists involved with the project include:
- Josh Agle (Shag)
- Troy Alders
- Kii Arens
- Attaboy
- Anthony Ausgang
- Axis
- Aye Jay
- Gary Baseman
- Andrew Bell
- Tim Biskup
- Mark Bodnar
- Andrew Brandou
- Buff Monster
- Mister Cartoon
- Chino
- mr clement
- Robbie Conal
- Steven Daily
- Dalek
- Dehara
- Cam de Leon
- Devilrobots
- Yoko d'Holbachie
- Bob Dob
- Tristan Eaton & Azk One - Thunderdog Studios
- Marc Ecko
- Eelus
- Ron English
- David Flores
- Brian Flynn - Hybrid Design
- Paul Frank
- Gargamel
- Huck Gee
- Fawn Gehweiler
- Mike Giant
- Girls Drawin Girls
- Dan Goodsell
- Gris Grimly
- Joe Hahn
- Haze XXL
- Jesse Hernandez
- Derek Hess
- Itokin Park
- Jeremyville
- kaNO
- Mori Katsura- RealxHead
- Sun-MinKim & David Horvath
- Jim Koch
- Frank Kozik
- David S. Krys - DSK Designs
- Peter Kuper
- Wade Lageose - Lageose Design
- Joe Ledbetter
- Simone Legno - Tokidoki
- Mad
- Mad Barbarians
- Madtwiinz
- Marka27
- Mars-1
- Bill McMullen
- Melvins
- Mori Chack
- Brian Morris
- Nanospore
- Niagara
- Mitch O’Connell
- olive47
- Martin Ontiveros
- Estevan Oriol
- Alex Pardee
- The Pizz
- Plasticgod
- PlaysKewl
- Dave Pressler
- Ragnar
- Jermaine Rogers
- Erick Scarecrow
- Secret Base
- J. Otto Seibold
- Sket-One
- Shawn Smith
- Winston Smith
- Jeff Soto
- Damon Soule
- Bwana Spoons
- Jophen Stein
- Suckadelic
- T9G
- Gary Taxali
- Cameron Tiede
- Touma
- UrbanMedium
- Usugrow
- Michelle Valigura
- VanBeater
- Amanda Visell
The Vader Project Exhibitions:
May 24-28, 2007
Star Wars Celebration IV
Los Angeles Convention Center
Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.
July 13-15, 2007
Star Wars Celebration Europe
ExCel Exhibition Center
London, England
July 25-29, 2007
San Diego Comic-Con
San Diego Convention Center
San Diego, California, U.S.A.
July 19-21 2008
Star Wars Celebration Japan
Makuhari-Messe Convention Center
Tokyo, Japan
February 4, 2009
Lucasfilm Annual Employee Meeting
Marin County Civic Center
San Rafael, California, U.S.A.
Feb 28-May 3, 2009
Andy Warhol Museum
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
June 11-20, 2010
Freeman’s Los Angeles Auction Preview
Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.
July 5-9, 2010
The Vader Project Auction Exhibition
Freeman’s Auction House
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
July 10, 2010
The Vader Project Auction
Freeman’s Auction House
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
Hi-res images available upon request.
Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/The-Vader-Project/79133235168
DKE Toys Flickr: www.flickr.com/photos/15785058@N00/collections/72157624303828394/
Twitter: twitter.com/dketoys
DKE Toys
vaderproject [at] gmail.com
T: 818-767-7900
For press, photos and more see the links below:
- The Vader Project (Press Release)
- The Vader Project Los Angeles Auction Preview (Press Release)
- The Vader Project at The Andy Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (Press Release)
- The Vader Project heads to Tokyo, Japan (Press Release)
- The Vader Project at Los Angeles Convention Center : May 16, 2007 (Press Release)
- StarWars.com Coverage
- Star Wars Blog Photos
- The Vader Project at CIV
- Even More Photos from CIV
- Dov Kelemer Interview in Format
- Star Wars Blog with Video Tour
- Vinyl Pulse Coverage
- Time.com
- Millionaire Playboy
- Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
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